Apex Data Loader updates for TLS 1.x - Data Loader working with out security Token

A new version of Data LoaderThis feature is available in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.
The new version of Data Loader now supports Web Server OAuth Authentication for both Windows and Mac, which provides an extra layer of security compliance.

Note:  Salesforce no longer bundles Java with the Data Loader for Windows installer. Download and install Java on your Windows computer.
We recommend that you set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. Doing so ensures that you can run Data Loader in batch mode from the command line.

To get the new version of the data loader 

Please login to your org :

Setup > Administration setup > Data Management >Dataloader

Click the link to get the latest Data Loader Version : Data Loader

New Look of the DataLoader:

To Insert th records:
Click on the insert 
The screen has two options. 
Default :
Login with your Production/Sandbox username  + Password 

Authenticate the data loader 
Using the Standard login :
Provide the username and password (No need of security token ) and the  instance url :
https://login.salesforce.com - for production
https://test.salesforce.com - sandboxes

Last Step:

For enhanced logging : The log-conf.xml is located at%LOCALAPPDATA%\salesforce.com\Data Loader\samples\conf\log-conf.xml for the current user, and C:\Program Files (x86)\salesforce.com\Data Loader\samples\conf\log-conf.xml for all users. The log-conf.xml lets you implement enhanced logging.


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